Sunday, September 14, 2014

Dave does the Great Lakes Challenge

Below is the link to Dave's site.  He did a pretty cool adventure mid July.  Click the link and read about his travels in which he SUP'd and swam in each of the Great Lakes all in one day!

Great Job Dave!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Great Lakes Surf Rescue Project - Vid, Blkbox Surf

Check out the link to the Great Lakes Surf Rescue Project.

They've recently gained some publicity due to a rescue by some surfers in Grand Haven on 9/10/14

Great job to the surfers and by-standers that helped out the kayaker.

Also, great work Bob, keep it up!

I think I saw a Blkbox board in that video too!  Check out the Amazing boards Matt creates at:

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Rob Machado goes for a Downwinder

Check out this link to SUPConnect and the vid of Rob Machado going for a downwinder.

With any luck I'll have a video clip of a couple of the downwinders that happened this weekend on Lake Mi.